May 08, 2021

Bibliography and Index to publications of David E. Nye

After the American Century

    Joseph Pennel, Sunset from Williamsburg Bridge, 
Courtesy of the  Library of Congress

To help readers find their way in my publications, I have made a comprehensive bibliography and index. 

The bibliography lists everything, including books, journal articles, chapters in books, book reviews, encyclopedia articles, introductions written for collections of essays, translations of my work into other languages, and textbooks.  

The index is restricted to 14 of my books and 101 articles and book chapters - all of which have been peer-reviewed. Taken together, this is about 5,500 published pages. I have learned from contacts with readers that it can be difficult to track down where I have written about a particular topic. I hope this will make my work more accessible.

This bibliography and index can be downloaded free from the University of Minnesota, Digital Conservancy, using the link below.